“The slow player in youth hockey. The fast guy in the pros!”

The feedback was always the same from nearly every coach I had: “Nice kid. Hard worker. Kinda slow.” Growing up with aspirations to play professional hockey, I was trying everything I could think of to see results. I lifted heavy to get strong. I did olympic lifts and sprints to become explosive. I did agility drills to get “fast feet”. Nothing worked!

At least, nothing worked until I started looking outside the box of traditional training. I have had the privilege to learn from some of the best strength and performance coaches in the world. I have carried those lessons on and added my own revelations to create something that has been truly life changing for myself and everyone around me. I call this “Athletic Reprogramming”.

I am very proud of that journey and truly thankful for all those challenges.

It’s because of those challenges that I now know how to take people who maybe aren’t “athletically gifted” or are a few years past their glory days…and help them achieve levels of strength, speed, mobility/durability, and overall athleticism that they never thought were previously possible. And it works at any age and level!
After my hockey days, I redirected my competitive desires towards
American Ninja Warrior and ended up competing for
three seasons, even making it to the finals in Las Vegas!
Beyond that, I have been training athletes and non-athletes alike (aren’t we all athletes, really?) for 18 years and getting incredible results for performance, injury recovery, fat loss, and everything in between!

So, with that in mind…where are you in your progression? Elite athlete? Weekend warrior? Haven’t done a squat in a decade?

Regardless, I believe your best days are ahead. Let’s train and make it happen.

Only be strong and courageous!

-Iron Will 1 Corininthians 9:24-26